Archeage Healer Cleric Guide : Control Mana and Healing

ArcheAge Date: Jan/27/15 03:56:48 Views: 120


As we all know, there are 120 kinds of classes we can choose in Archeage. Same to other MMORPG, you can to be the Tank, Healer,DPS in the battlefield through skillset combination. You can choose three skillsets among 10 skillsets. Well, if you are the fan of being Healer in Archeage, we are glad to introduce the build of healer Cleric.


To be a abundant healer in the group, the a lot of important two factors are authoritative backbone and healing.How to accomplish your characters getting a capital healer? Any players application Vitalism forth with Auramance has the abeyant to do that. And, the able healer Cleric involves Vitalism, Songcraft and Auramancy three skillsets.



Cleric Healer Properties and Skills:


Healing Power: Capital Property to affect your healing


Spirit: Is adapted to Healing Power.


Intelligence: Increase max MP and Magical Damage


Mana Regenerate: The adeptness to change backbone which alone happens if you aren’t casting. If you are application a skill, it generates a 5 additional cooldown afterwards which your backbone change will alpha again.


Necessary Accomplishment for Cleric Healer:


Group Healing Skills:


Mirror Light: It is abundant accomplishment to ascendancy the battlefield which cures debuff. As continued as you are in the combat, the healer should casting this accomplishment for capital Tank which can decidedly advance healing effectiveness.


Rhythmic Renewal: Afore the action started with Boss, amuse casting Rhythmic Renewal on the a lot of accessible action abode and the atomic to lose life. The above aims to serve accede MT, and the afterwards aims to serve continued ambit player. This accomplishment has60 abnormal duration, afterwards you casting it, you can balance abounding backbone aural 10 seconds.


Single Healing Skills:


To accede the burning of mane, we ranked the individual healing abilities as follow:


Resurgence > Antithesls > Fervent Healing


Resurgence: is a healing over time (HoT) burning spell,but it abridgement of analytical healing effect. So, we charge to use Antithesls if charge a accumulation of activity health.


Antithesis: This accomplishment is a individual ambition alleviate with a casting time. It can be adapted to an burning casting accomplishment while beneath Conversion Shield. Max ambit 25m.


Fervent Healing is an burning individual ambition healing spell. The spell needs to physically ability the ambition afore it will affect it. It can be casted 5 times consecutively afore the cooldown is triggered. Max ambit 30m.


Mend: This accomplishment is an breadth of aftereffect (AoE) healing spell with casting time. It will alleviate every amateur including yourself aural the ambit once. Ambit is 20m. Althought Mend to alleviate all allies bloom charge continued CD and top backbone consumption, the aftereffect of convalescent activity bloom is great! Generally, i don’t use this accomplishment until the endure blitz time.


Meditate: Endure but not least, the amazing accomplishment Meditate to balance mana.When your backbone abate 1/3 backbone you should yield time to use it, abnormally if the bang-up was benumbed you should accede application it.

cleric healer properties and skills,necessary accomplishment for cleric healer,group healing skills,single healing skills Related News And Guides
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