How to Craft the Fishing Pole and Fishing in ArcheAge

ArcheAge Date: Aug/09/14 15:06:16 Views: 3094

Fishing is also a good way to fast earn gold and leveling experience in Archeage online game, it is easy to fish, now we would introduce how to fish fast in Archeage.

First, you should craft a Fishing pole, need 4 materials 4 materials if you would craft a fishing pole.
Bamboo Fishing Pole Frame: need 10 bamboo poles by logging the bamboo.
Hook: an Iron Ingot processed from 3 iron ore materials with melting pot.
Fish Line: 3 cotton, gathering them by planting. And 3 wool, you can collect wool by feeding the sheep with forager.
Wooden Reel: 2 wood. Logging the trees get the logs, 1 wood processed from 3 logs in the carpenter.

Ready to craft the fishing pole after you have these archeage materials, but you have to prepare the Lure (Baits) before fishing. OK, go to the river fishing now, the process of fishing is fully automated until your Lure consumed, what' more, you can get the considerable experience in sport fishing process.

Note: The fishing skills would influences your fishing, allowing you catch fish faster and get the bigger fish.

If you have no idea about fishing, here is a good video about ArcheAge Fishing Guide you can watch. which aims to provide the cheapest and safest ArcheAge gold online, not only you can get the useful ArcheAge Guide from here, but also you would enjoy our the best 24/7 customer service for ArcheAge.


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