The New Aurorian Zone in ArcheAge

ArcheAge Date: Mar/03/15 13:46:51 Views: 100


Contest of Auroria was launched in archeage adaptation 1.2 body 4.15, afore this new Aurorian breadth Diamond Shores, there are six Aurorian territories in all. Diamond Shores is a new mid-sized breadth amid in west-central Auroria whose southern bank provides admission to the Aurorian Gulf and Arcadian Sea. It’s a different mural and abate in admeasurement than the added six Aurorian territories.


You accept to be absorbed in this new abstruse breadth and analytical about how it is coming, the afterward advice may advice you.


It’s the comatose abode of the allegorical Ayanad Library, which is abounding with adversity and war.


A bewitched accident saturated the breadth with baleful energy, killing abounding of its citizenry and axis ample swaths of the arena into the ablaze bottle for which it is named.


Three audible groups accept controlled the region: the priests of Nui’s Shield, the Ayanad Disciples and the soldiers of the Crimson Watch.


The western steppes of Diamond Shores are a absolute atom for travelers to authorize a new abode of residence. Land actuality is some of the a lot of admired in the arctic because no bounded aristocrat rules over it. This agency the tax ante for amateur houses in Diamond Shores are afflicted alone by the bulk of plots a amateur owns.


You can ability this new breadth by Sea or by travelling through a Red World Gate amid in capital cities.


Creatures in Sungold Fields, Exeloch and several added zones will abide a akin access to akin 51-53 and will aswell allotment some account drops with creatures from Diamond Shores. Daily quests accept been added to aid adventurers in their adventure to ability akin 55.


PvP action will be enabled throughout the zone, at the meantime, open-world PvP is encouraged and supported.

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