Announced The New Mobile Application Final Fantasy XIV Online GO

Final Fantasy XIV Date: Apr/05/18 10:59:25 Views: 116

Recently announced a new game for mobile called "Final Fantasy XIV Online GO" where the world will become collection points and your mobile in the perfect tool.


To advance in the game, you must go outside to collect natural resources in the real world. After the collection you can transform these resources into objects and equipment in the game.



Haimrich Fischer, vice president of innovation at Square Enix, said the following about the game:


The important thing is freedom. We wanted to make the more than 10 million players could devote themselves to collecting where and when you want, without being limited to their PCs or consoles. Final Fantasy XIV Online GO achieves this freedom by bridging the physical and digital worlds, and at the same time fosters social interaction among the members of our wonderful community.


The application will have the latest generation of Square Enix software and users can receive notices if there are collection points and natural resources in the area. Players can only touch the screen to get the resource if they are close enough to the collection point.


Apart from all the innovations that the game will bring, it will also have an accessory that can be used in players' mobile phones, called Final fantasy XIV Online GO Harvesting Stick.


The Harvesting Stick will turn your mobile into the best tool to collect resources, be it a miner's pick, a gardener's ax or even a fisherman's rod. Likewise, the accessory increases the collection success rate by 100%.


Adalberta Gardner, chief designer of Amajina Apps, said the following about the game and the Harvesting Stick:


This is the most immersive experience of an MMORPG for players of all levels and an essential accessory for any gathering enthusiast.


To finish, enjoy the trailer that we leave you, where it is indicated that the application is just a joke by April Fools. Likewise, remember that you can venture into a free trial of Final Fantasy XIV, if you are interested. Final Fantasy XIV Gil is an important part of the game. Without these currencies, you won't be able to realize success in the game.

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